Pangandaran on English
Welcome to Pangandaran Beautiful Beach

Welcome to Pangandaran Beautiful Beach

Pangandaran Beach is reputedly the most beautiful beach in West Java and possibly in all of Java. It is Java`s answer to the beach resort destination of Bali and certainly the main west beach has much in common with Bali`s famous Kuta Beach.

Pangandaran is a large fishing village situated on a narrow isthmus of land with Pangandaran National Park occupying the entire headland. This fishing village is part of the charm of Pangandaran because it is attractive and friendly with an abundance of fresh seafood available in the seafood market as well as in the many seafood restaurants. During peak times the village is also seriously lively with many bars and restaurants but it retains an innocence and simple friendliness that is no longer found in many parts of Bali.

On either side to the east and to the west of Pangandaran village and the National Park isthmus are two long sweeping beaches of volcanic black sand. These east and west facing beaches provide Pangandaran with the unusual reputation as being one of the few beach resorts in the world where one can watch a beautiful beach sunrise in the morning and a stunning beach sunset in the afternoon. To provide an even more unique beach experience for beach lovers, there are beautiful white sand beaches located within the Pangandaran National Park and these can walked to or taken to by local fishing boat hire.

Pangandaran Beach is a mecca for surfers as there are many famous surfing beaches and surf breaks within easy travelling distance. For the beginner, there are learn to surf schools and surf board hire available at Pangandaran Beach. The main beach area is normally surf patrolled and is reasonably safe for swimmers and surfers.

Whilst Pangandaran Beach is becoming increasingly popular with tourists it has long been the favourite beach playground for domestic tourists from Jakarta, Bandung and Jogjakarta. During the peak time festive times of Ramadan and Christmas/New Years as well as during the Kite Festival in July, Pangandaran Beach bustles with activity, excitement and entertainment.

Pangandaran Beach is also the perfect place to experience the culture and heritage of the Sundanese people of West Java. The Sunda are the main people of West Java and have a cultural and artistic heritage that as rich as that of the Balinese people. Try to experience a local Sundanese dance concert or a wooden puppet show. The Sundanese are famous for the artistry and skill of the wooden puppets which are carved in this local area.

There is much to see and do in Pangandaran Beach including visits to the National Park, Green Canyon, Paradise Island, Pangandaran Waterpark, Batu Karas Beach, the seafood markets and local markets. Or, if it`s your preference, relax and enjoy the views, the beaches the friendly people and the quiet pace this charming and friendly place.


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